2002-12-29 - 3:52 p.m.

You're Very Wonderful

ahh todays daily entry.. that you have been waiting for.. I want my room cleaned yet im way to lazy to clean it. I think i am going to pop in LOTR and watch that the whole afternoon and hopefully I wont have to go into sunset. Dustin called me this afternoon. He didn't even get the text message I Sent him about being mad at him cause he didn't say I love you back. I'm like im mad at you hes like why.. I'm like I think you know hes like by what I didn't day... I am going to finish this calendar that I am making for him so maybe he can have it sometime in january... It is a scrap book calendar... I have to go get some pictures copied.. It was funny he talked to julia the other night on the phone and he thought it was me.. I guess our voices sound a like. Grr I gotta work na night

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