December 10, 2003 - 10:01 p.m.

Damn MEN!

so zim is mad at me. What else is new. I dont mean to harp on everything, but I hate it when he leaves the dishes half ass. Like he did dishes about a week ago. Well he left all the pans sit there. Why would you just do dishes half ass? It pisses me off. So I decided that we all need to just do our dishes right away otherwise we are going to pay a fee into this jar, well its really a can, but he got mad about it. Why would you get mad about it, if you plan on doing the dishes you have nothing to worry about! Me and Tyler agreed on that. So its a rule. Plus him and tyler agreed on the chair and keeping the dinning room table in the house so I got out voted on that. So thats how the lovely voting system works. Ya lose some zim and ya win some.. In the dishes case you lost!

I still love you zim, just so you know this. We fight over this shit like we're married... Geesh! It makes me mad that we get mad at this little shit. It shouldnt be like that. Anyways lets just both do our part and we wont get mad at each other how's that?

Yay.. Josh should be at my house in about 24 hours.. We are going to have the best party. I just know it. Or we are going to have a blast at the bars one of the two :)

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