December 19, 2003 - 4:40 p.m.


I hate it when girls are so fucking skanky at the bar. It drives me crazy. There is this chick last night at Islands.. She was the biggest skank ever. She made out with one guy. Then she went and made out with a different guy. She somehow came up to us and I started dancing with tyler. I pulled Tyler away she said sorry. I'm like its okay I'm saving him from your skanky ass.. Well, that didnt go over real well, because then this short little dude, SHORTER than me.. Came over and he said did you call her skank. I'm like stay the fuck away from me... He was gross. THEY ALL WERE GROSS. I can never go anywhere w/o hassle. LOL

So I mailed Dustin a christmas card and I'm just goign to leave it at that. I think that is the best. Unless of course he calls me then will see how it goes.. HA HA, but I cant call him. I feel weird.

Starting on Monday, so I can get all my vegging out done this weekend I am going to start watching what I eat a little more. I got my drivers license picture taken yesterday plus I looked at my old one.. OMG my face has gotten FAT! I know Im not going to be one of those dieting chicks. Cause I dont believe in that anymore, but I just want to watch what I eat a little more carefully. I forgot what I was going to write about. Its been a LONG month. I just wish christmas was over, already!

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