January 02, 2004 - 5:17 p.m.

Nothing Exciting Today

So needless to say I am sick again. I feel like once I get done being sick someone at work gets sick, then I get sick again.. Its a never ending cycle of the cold/flu. We can't get rid of it. Seriously I have been sick more this winter than I have been the past three winters. Its crazy.

So , I called dustin back, I got his voicemail right away. So I left a voicemail. Nothing special, but thanks to sarah, I called him. Thanks Girl! When I got home last night zim said I bet you and dustin will be dating in six months.. I honestly don't know, What I really want anymore. I'm living one day at a time. I'm not gonna worry about things. I mean I dont know if I can honestly trust him, if I live here and he would live there. IF we were to get back into a relationship, one of us would have to move to each other. That is the only way I would get back into a relationship with him. Because we can't be apart like we were last time. It drove me crazy. Anyways, why talk about that, who knows whats going to happen, sure and the hell not me.

My friend Krystal got married. She got married @ a court house!!! OMG! Its fucked up. I can't believe she got married. She was the first one of us to get married. I wonder whose next? S C A R Y! So tomorrow I'm having a few girls over so we can talk about the past, its going to be fun. Girls night out, of course my roomies will be there.. But oh well...

I suppose I'm at work. It cant be that long. Also, this new year I am going to try and update a lot more. At least once a day, or just miss one day. I hope I can do that.

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