March 07, 2004 - 8:31 p.m.

Welcome Back Sopranos

Last Nights Party:

So wow, my whore side unleashed last night that is all I have to say. I had soooo many cute boys over at my house I didn't know what to do with all of them. There are 12 of the 30 pictures. I will load the rest of them tomorrow in the entry. I just didn't feel like loading them all tonight.

So the party started at about 10. Then it didn't get over until 4/5 a.m.. It was so much fun we had about 30 people here I would say. We all got drunk had a few beers and it was fun...

Jason came over. It was odd this time. I don't know. I will write more about the party and stuff tomorrow, with the other pictures. I'm going to Aarons to watch the Sopranos..

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