May 27, 2004 - 11:04 p.m.


I wish the damn laker/twolves seris was over already. I'm fricken disappointed I will not be able to go to the damn game. Shawns grandma died so we wont be going, plus he has to DJ on sunday, plus I have to save money for my car, the fricken apartment, the fricken 200 a month HIGH RISK insurance, that I hate. I think thats why I have never got a new car before, the damn insurance KILLS me.

So the most embarassing thing happened today, I was packing all my stuff up because well I have to be out of my apartment soon, and well I was taking things off of my closet room shelf, well thats where I have my vibrator(s) at, well one started going off while i was packing the tote and steph goes what is that vibrating noise? How to explain to my 10 y/o sister what that is... CRAZY, plus my mom almost opened my sex drawer, shes like we can take this home tonight, and she went to go open it and im like MOOOOOOM. I think she got the hint because she shut the door and said sorry..Ha ha. Two almost embarassing sex things tonight.

So Jason text messaged me today, asking me when he can text message me, I'm like when UR done being a jerk.. Hes like im not a jerk. UGH he is. He said to me tonight, what are you doing this weekend? I told him moving all weekend long, hes like what about at night.. GRR. I dont know but that boy has got issues.

I suppose I have to get some shit done. Its late and I wanna sleep a little bit before the LONG day begins tomorrow of moving more shit.

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