September 13, 2004 - 1:09 a.m.

7 days.

Its been forever since I have done a real entry. I went to the Usher concert in Minneapolis OMG it ROCKED. I want to marry usher of course with dustins approval. HA HA. He brought a girl on stage and kissed her. YES HE KISSED HER. I so wish I could have been that girl. I love Kanye West too. HE is mighty fine too.

So yeah in exactly 7 days I will be leaving for Idaho. I'm nervous.Scared.VERYExcited. I have so many mixed feelings. its all coming way too damn fast. I'm excited. We are going to be living in a house with a backyard, a fence for our dogs. Its honestly something that I didn't think would happen. I will post pictures of course when I move there. I'm excited. I'm going to be living with my boyfriend. I HAVE NEVER lived with a boyfriend. I have never moved 1263 miles w/o my mom before. I am going to be experiencing a lot of first again with Dustin. Like we previouisly have. Him and I have had our UPs and DOWNS trust me. We went a year with out talking. Its amazing.

2 spoke



