October 10, 2004 - 1:57 p.m.


So I have been sick with the flu the past few days, at least thats what I think it is.( I took a pregnancy test I only got one line back) So yeah I think I have the flu, or something like it, not sure, I haven't thrown up yet, but my whole body aches, my head hurts, etc. So Lets just say I haven't been a happy girl the past few days..

Thank you to everyone who left me notes about asshole. Yeah its hard to believe. You know the more and more I think about it, the more and more I see how it was possible. He did laundry EVERY night and didnt ask me to come. BLAH. Im not gonna talk about it. Its just going to frustrate me and I dont need that and my flu.

But yeah. Im gonna go lounge around the house. I gotta watch some football and get up to par on some football facts. I will tell you all later in due time... ;)

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