June 15, 2003 - 3:35 p.m.

ahhh simple entry

ah. its hot here today. yikes! I need a nap. I'm tired. I would love to have a relationship with someone I can connect with on a emotional level, physcial, and mental. He or she needs to have a great personality, someone who would be willing to meet my family,have a charming look to them, I want them to be my best friend, someone who I am not afaird to be myself around.. I miss dustin. I was In Love with him.. I never cheated on him.... NEVER the whole time we were together. I guess that is what you do when you are in love with someone. I honestly thought and believed he was in love with me too. We talked about getting married. We even set a date. Ugh.

I think I am going to pick three guys for my pickahottie thing. I have it narrowed down to three guys. For the first round.. I really haven't had all that many applicants. Its funny. But I think the scheldued date is for July 4th. They get to watch me compete in the bikini finals in DL! What better way then to have three guys there cheering me on? Psss Randy you would have been one of them, but Ill wait until school for that okay?

I talked to josh again today. It was awesome to hear from him... It was a 130 degrees there he told me. Its late there now.. Kuwait is 8 hours ahead of us.

I went to one of my friend's friend house last night. Gina she is cool. We had a few people over. I felt like an alcoholic cause for the longest time I was the only one drinking... I just want to say thank you to Nick, he was my DD last night. He was tired but he took me home anyways.. .PLUS he drove back to where the party was cause I forgot my apartment keys there, and my roommate was NOT answering his phone. He wrote me a note this morning and said heather why did you call my phone at 4am? It was funny.

Things Heather must do
-buy funtic

-Scan Colorado Picutres

-Scan Checkeredflagg Pictures

-Update Webpage

-Update Cast Page

-Get Gold Acct

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