September 01, 2003 - 7:10 a.m.

late night visitor

ahh I havent felt anything like that for a long time. My two turn ons in one night. Making out with a guy who likes to suck on my neck ::grrr:: and making out with a guy who has a girlfriend. Its not like, I don't feel bad because I do, trust me I do, but it is oooo soo good.. and his girlfriend is supposedly jealous of me, who knows. She knows Me and this guy dated a while back, so I don't know. We have set up a key word, that if either one of us wants the other person to come over with out his girlfriend knowing we say scrabble. That is our keyword. AHHH i feel so relieved :)

So its been really crazy, a few nights ago someone broke into the store, well someone hid in the store until I locked it all up and then they stole the money out of the til and that was it. We have been having some weird ass shit go on at that place, it freaks me out, big time. I was suppose to close by myself last night, but I didn't, I made tami and ben come there and stay with me for four hours... Thank you guys I owe ya :P OOO and thanks for leaving when U know who got here ;)

So ya nick came into the store right? Well he brought his whole entire shit load of groupies with {people I can't stand}so of course since he was with his friends he said two words to me. Imagine that. He pisses me off. So tonight he said to me I'm hungry and i told him I was not going to cook his food, he said thanks for nothing. I'm like oh ya the night you cooked me spaghetti {I was being sarcastic} He told me he had spaghetti now and i told him that i just had it, then he said to me fuck you!!! I don't know if he was kidding or what, so I said nah, I had that too! He said that probably doesn't suprise me. Then we got to talking and all that and he said he has heard enough stories, what the fuck does that mean? I sure and the hell do not talk about stories, so he implied that I was a ho, so I got pissed at him. I can't remember everything for verbatim, but he implied more than once, cause he said lighten up heather and then he said that he didnt imply that and he said when ya coming over. I stopped messging him. I'm mad at him again, but this time NO CAVING IN!

I'm tired I'm going to bed finally!

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