September 18, 2003 - 5:25 p.m.

In Pain......

Sorry for the lack of updates, but Ihave not been feeling very well lately. I pulled a tendion in my left leg and it hurts so bad. I can barely walk. I'm in pain 24/7. We have a lot of family things going on, that I shouldn't talk about on here, just incase who ever is doing this immature stuff to my grandma, reads it. Lets just say I won't be alone anywhere.Home.Work.School. No where! I'm in pain. I just want to stay home tonight, I wish I could. I do not feel like going into work at all. I just need to kick my leg up and keep ice on it. I'm probably going to do that acutally go into work for a little bit then come home, and only go back if Ryan needs me, cause I can't walk. I need some crutches, I think. I need to get my leg wrapped up too. I can't even describe the pain! I gotta go to work.


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