January 19, 2004 - 11:45 p.m.

I wish Josh would call me

Tae Kwon Do is stressing me out. It shouldn't stress me out should it? I mean I feel retarted doing these kicks. Interbasic what? Oh well. I want to work hard at TKD so I can go to Korea in 2005 with Tyler. I think that would be fun, plus I need to use my HUNDRED DOLLAR PASSPORT! mutters something under my breath.

I really love tyler he is the best roommate he is bringing me food, I took him to my moms tonight for supper, she made her famous meal.Strudels. No not the toaster things. They are delicious

I'm worried I read an artice on the department of defense website and it said two soliders were killed. I haven't heard from josh in a LONG time. I emailed him so hopefully he responds sometime soon :|

I gotta get going, I have to clean the store.

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