
Theresa - 2004-04-09 09:44:06
Thanks for the note. I remember your diary from a little while ago I visited. I think your design is pretty clear why you did it, like you said, it's explained. That's why I stopped getting reviews. And no, I don't have my reviews page anymore. It's still in my archives, but there's no link to it in my diary I don't think...I just got such a wide range of reviews, some thought I was so great & they became long-time readers and others just didn't get me and thought I sucked (and since most of those were like 15 or 16, and I'm 28, I didn't care!). Plus some people were just unnecessarily rude and stupid about it! But, I guess reviews are more for people who just start on DL- to get exposure and readers, it seems after awhile, most people realize they really don't mean much and it's not worth the frustration of a bad review. Anyway, if you want to tell me where you reviewed at, I can see what you gave me.
Ruth - 2004-04-10 14:08:43
I haven't looked around your site yet so I haven't seen the stuff your reviewer botched up on, but in response to today's post only: I had my site reviewed and... Xillia?... reviewed it and the things she plussed and minused all seemed right on. Can you get re-reviewed and ask for a particular reviewer? Or in return for a Butterfinger Bar and a few "What do you call a guy with no arms and no legs" jokes I'd do it! He he he

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