
Amanda - 2005-02-14 08:59:03
Saw your banner, which I loved by the way, clicked it, and found your journal. It's great! :) About the military, if you don't mind, my husband is military and I just wanted to give you a couple of facts... 1. With you graduating college soon, if you have a bacholors, they will let you come in as an officer. That is something they didn't tell us.. 2. Your degree that you have right now, has to do something with the job you choose. Youd don't exactly get to do whatever you like.. 3. They don't station you wherever you want to go..they just say that to get you don't believe that lie. (Trust me it happened to us.) BUT - I'm not saying you shouldn't join the military. It's an awesome opportunity, espcially you having college under your belt. It'll be awesome for you. I suggest you join the Air Force. That's what my husband is, not only is the beneifits awesome but the Air Force has awesome job opportunites, and you can move up in rank really quick. Good luck! I hope you make the best decision for yourself. And, I'm so excited about NASCAR too! And, I hope that you have loads of drunken fun in Cancun - that truly is a great place, I've been there! :)
Amanda - 2005-02-14 09:02:58
One more thing about the military...The Air Force actually, if you join the Air Force, they deploy A LOT less than the other branches..Navy goes out on ships/subs for months at a time, and the Army and Marines are always deploying. My husband, 2 years in the service, HAS NEVER BEEN DEPLOYED YET. He's gone on Temp. Duty Assignments, but that's to another base, for like 2 or 3 weeks. So, just a thought I thought I'd share with you..
Sarah - 2005-02-14 16:31:23
Heya hun, Happy Valentine's Day! :) Mexico is hella awesome, isnt it? My cousin owns several beach front properties down there and its always a blast. When I graduate from school in '06, hes got me and the boy a kickass place for 1 month if we want- but I dont know about that since the boy would have to work and Id still have my internship to do. :/ Im also excited that NASCAR season is upon us, hopefully I'll get to go to a race- the boy hates it though :( Last year as I was coming home from NE and the NASCAR guys were coming back from around that way I saw acouple of drivers car trailers and I WAS PUMPED! Hehehehe. Air Force kicks ass plus the guys are HOT, HOT, HOT!!!!! (past 2 exs of mine were AF and the one was a Marine). Delish! xoxo

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