November 21, 2003 - 7:39 p.m.

Crazy 24 hours

I am in a crabby mood. Thats all there is to it. I have had a lot of shit happen in the last 24 hours that is crazy.. I still haven't read dustins email, I actually deleted it. I am confused. I know he's an ex so thats how I better leave him In the past . Yes, of course I still love him, I will always have a place for him in my heart, but I think the letter I sent him should have been just a diary letter, and it probably shouldn't of been sent. That kind of letter.

I am just crabby lately. Everything, people say pisses me off. It doesn't matter what they say, but I get pissed. I saw this girl, that I use to be best friends with in high school, and well I see her at school all the time, and the other day she came in here, I hid under the counter... HOW LAME? I know, but christ I did not want to deal with that drama. I have my own drama to deal with.

Also, last night me and tab were at walmart, and well we got a little hungry, well I saw slurpie bitch there,she was working. Well, she talked to me like she was my best friend and tab too, Im like wtf!! I do not like this bitch.. She asked me if I still work at the store, im like ya... BLAH BLAH! I have been in a bitchy mood all week. This week has taken forever to get over.. PLUS last night me and tyler went to get some groceries and rent movies, well as we were bagging our groceries, this guy came and asked us to give him a ride... I said this very politely, I'm like nothing against you, we just dont give anyone rides.. He got pissed... Hes like I hope god blesses you WTF?? He keep staring back at us too as he was walking out.. So we went outside me and tyler and he said something rude to us agian, and tyler said that was rude.. The guy came walking behind us, I thought tyler was going to kick his ass LOL So then I said to him thats why we didnt give you a ride.. He said no the reason you didn't me a ride is because you are a stuck up little bitch.. WHOAH! If he turned that easily thank god we didn't give him a ride.. It was FREAKY! I am never giving ANYONE a ride. EVER!

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