June 18, 2004 - 3:53 p.m.


I swear. I need to get to D-land more often. I cant believe I didnt recognize/see nevr-perfect So feel free if you EVER come into the porn store say "Hey aren't you that good lookin girl from D-land?" HA HA.

So last night was a very interesting night. We(Tab,Troy,Tyler and I) went to islands got pretty drunk. Ohh I have pictures The first two guys, they are a rappers from Southern Cali and they are opening for Vanilla Ice. They are SOO good. I love their music, I want to go to vanilla ice just to see them boys. Anyways back to the interesting stuff, so all three us, minus tab got pretty drunk. We were driving home and I had to puke so bad, so I made tab pull over in Hawley and I threw up in the cenex parking lot, Then we went down the road a ways and I had to throw up AGAIN, so I made her pull over on the side of the road, the fricken cop was there...I'm puking on the side of the road,the cop is askign for my ID, Troy is pissing in the ditch. It was crazy. Tyler is a minor. None the less, we didnt get into trouble, but it was one fun night :) I havent drank for a while.

I have to go shower and get ready for work..

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