August 05, 2003 - 2:55 p.m.


holy shit. D R A M A going on in the apt. Geesh. Last night I brought one of my co workers home from work, Loyal and I walk in to a FUCKING mess apartment. It was raining I couldn't get in the garage. My car is ghetto so I NEED to be in the garage when it rains and come september we cant park on the street. So I wrote him a note it wasn't a bad note by all means, but it was just a note to say that maybe what I said from the beginning let me park on the side with all of your equipment. I can go clear up and far over. You have a truck, no that still hasn't worked out. Ugh!

Oh, and since I don't get paid until TODAY! He paid for my half of the rent. Which is cool. I appreciate it, but christ he wrote me a note about it at 7 this morning. I just NOW got up. I haven't even got my check yet. Of course I am going to pay him for christ sakes. Ugh.

I don't know. This apt living stuff is driving me NUTS! Seriously.

well on a good note. its almost been two months since me and nick started hanging out and I haven't even done anything with him , like kiss or any of the above. Oooo Well the other night I gave him a back rub/neck rub cause his shoulder hurt while we were watching the phone booth, but that is about as close as it gets.

I suppose I am going to go run, then go tanning and then go to work!

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